Sunday, 28 October 2012

Aliki Krikidi

Aliki Krikidi thinks of the city as a territory that is hard to break out of, where everyone keeps their head down. Perhaps this is to guard against the leaking out of personality.

I like the style of her work, and her thoughts about "the mask that the city wears" which provides it with "an unmistakeable persona" that defines "the rituals of its inhabitants".

She talks of the "desire of the city" (by which she presumably means the collective emotion of the individuals who live there) to be "recognised" being "indivisible from its desire to be immortal, to overcome the morality of its residents".

This is another level of thinking that I don't quite get, but want to think about!

I also like the glances that are captured in the work shown below. The places where the city, keeping its head down, avoiding contact, suddenly or momentarily catches the eye. It is what is seen then, the haunted life of the city, that is moving.